Facilities and Equipment

  • Our lab has a full range of state-of-the-art equipment for protein purification, fluorometry and light microscopy, including 3 multi-spectral TIRF microscopes as well as the recently acquired super-resolution (SIM) microscope. We also share a number of facilities with related labs in the Rosenstiel center, and the biochemistry, microarray, and confocal microscopy facilities at Brandeis.

Goode Lab Facilities & Equipment

Jabberwocky Spinning Disk Microscope

Smaug laser scanning confocal microscope

Jointly-Owned Equipment

Brandeis University has a number of facilities that are shared among labs and specialized equipment which may be used by any of the biology, biochemistry, chemistry and biophysics labs on campus.

• "Jabberwocky": a state-of-the-art spinning disk microscope with both confocal and non-confocal modes, piezo stage, two Andor Ixon Ultra CCD cameras for simultaneous 2-color or sequential acquisition, and a sCMOS camera for rapid epifluorescence detection. 

• "Smaug": a laser scanning confocal inverted Nikon Ti-E-PFS3 eclipse microscope with several solid-state lasers, a 7-LED Light Engine array, an sCMOS camera (Andor Zyla), and an EMCCD camera (Andor Ixon).

• BLItz protein binding kinetics assay system

• Odyssey quantitative infrared fluorescence imaging scanner

Shared Facilities