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Our Latest News

August, 2024

Dr. Lucas Runyan, who received his PhD last year at The Ohio State University in Prof. Dmitri Kudryashov's lab, has joined the Goode Lab as a Postdoctoral Associate. Welcome, Lucas!

August, 2024

Lucy and Sophie present their summer research projects at SciFest XIII!

August, 2024

Joe, Jasmin, and Bruce soon heading to the GRC (Plant and Microbial Cytoskeleton) meeting in Andover, NH.

August, 2024

Looking forward to the cheese-themed pool party at Bruce and Avi’s house this Friday!

July, 2024

Prof. Shae Padrick (Drexel University) visits the Goode Lab for a week and gives a special seminar on septin-actin crosstalk.

July, 2024

Excited to host Prof. Jenny Gallop (University of Cambridge) for a special seminar on filopodia!

July, 2024

Dr. Alison Wirshing’s new paper on improved tools for live imaging F-actin in yeast is coming out at MBoC!

June, 2024

Farewell to longtime lab member and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Nikita Alimov – we will miss you!

June, 2024

Loren Genrich has joined the lab as our new lab manager and yeast geneticist and microscopist. Welcome, Loren!

June, 2024

Undergrads Sophie Fredberg and Lucy Zhang start their ‘full immersion’ summer research experiences with mentors Nate Zaccardi and Emma McGuirk.

June, 2024

Congrats to Emma McGuirk for being selected to give a talk on her research at the upcoming Neuro/MCB retreat.

May, 2024

Farewell to Malobika, who is moving to Tennessee with her family. We enjoyed having you in the lab and will miss you.

May, 2024

Congrats to Alex Reading for graduating with highest honors and earning the Doris Brewer Cohen award, the highest research honor given to an undergrad researcher in the life sciences. He starts the PhD program in Bioengineering at MIT in the fall, and we wish him well!

May, 2024

Congrats to Adah Welsh for graduating with honors and earning a very prestigious Biology research award for her stellar senior honors thesis work. She starts the PhD program in MCB at Duke in the fall, and we wish her well!

April, 2024

Dr. Joe Magliozzi's new paper on the roles of yeast formins, Bud6, and Bil2 in the mating response has been accepted at MBoC!

April, 2024

Malobika Bhowmick has joined the lab as a part-time research technician. Welcome, Malobika!

March, 2024

Gearing up for the big lab party Friday night at Bruce and Avi's house, celebrating the arrival of Priyanka and Jasmin to the lab, and other milestones.

February, 2024

Excited that postdoc Dr. Lucas Runyan will be joining the Goode lab in August. 

February, 2024

Nate Z. does a fabulous job on his first departmental talk! (Feb 24)

February, 2024

Excited that third year BCBP PhD student Jasmin Kwak has joined the Goode lab to study actin cables! 

February, 2024

Excited that Loren Genrich (from collaborator Josh Kelley's lab in Maine) is moving to Boston in June and will join the Goode lab! 

January, 2024

Goode lab gathers for the first in a series of meetings to review and update all lab protocols. 

January, 2024

Bruce comes out of grant writing mode and hosts Iain Cheeseman (MIT) for a super departmental seminar. 

January, 2024

Joint lab member Anne Silveira does an amazing job on her annual departmental talk!

January, 2024

First year MCB student Emily Metcalf crushes it on her rotation in the Goode Lab

December, 2023

Goode Lab fired up to present posters and talks at the upcoming ASCB/EMBO meeting in Boston (December 2-6, 2023)

November, 2023

We are excited to be hosting two rotation students, Emily Metcalf and Jasmin Kwak 

October, 2023

Congratulations to our former PhD student Nikita Alimov!

October, 2023

Congratulations to our former PhD student Sean (Siyang) Guo!

October, 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Greg Hoeprich!

September, 2023

Congratulations to our undergrad Sofia Gonzalez!

August, 2023

Congratulations to our undergrad Sofia Gonzalez and her mentor Dr. Alison Wirshing!

July, 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Shane McInally!  

May, 2023

Congratulations to joint PhD student Aldric Rosario!  

May, 2023

Congratulations to joint PhD student Aldric Rosario!  

May, 2023

Congratulations to our undergrad researcher Sofia!

May, 2023

Congratulations to our undergrads Kate and Simon!

January, 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Alison Wirshing!

December, 2022

Congratulations to our undergrad researcher Sydney  

December 3-7, 2022

A strong showing in the annual ASCB 2022 meeting in DC 

November, 2022

Welcome Katie!

November, 2022

Alison will be presenting her work in ASCB 2022 

October, 2022

Rey accepts a job in Cue Biopharma

September, 2022

It's Dr. Rey Aguilar Lopez

September 23, 2022

Shane is awarded the Rosbash-Abovich Award

August 11, 2022

Our UGs Sofia, Simon, Sydney and Alex presented their research at Brandeis SciFest XI

August, 2022

Lab prepares for Plant and Microbial Cytoskeleton Gordon Research Conference 

August, 2022

Colby Fees accepts job at FogPharm 

July, 2022

Our close collaborator Johnson Chung from the Gelles lab publishes in PNAS

June, 2022

Congrats to our undergraduates for securing the summer stipend for research 

May, 2022

Welcome Nate!

January, 2022

Tom Rands accepts job at Draper

October 26, 2021

Greg's paper accepted at MBoC

August 2, 2021

Joe Magliozzi joins the lab!

June 11, 2021

Shane's paper is published in eLife

May 19, 2021

Emma McGuirk re-joins the lab!

May 11, 2021

Sofia Gonzalez is awarded the Professor Chandler Fulton Prize for Undergraduate Research

April 7, 2021

Sofia Gonzalez is awarded a prestigious Giumette Academic Achievement Award 

March 22, 2021

Emily Stadnicki joins the lab

January 20, 2021

Tom's paper Bil2 is a novel inhibitor of the yeast formin Bnr1 required for proper actin cable organization and polarized secretion is accepted by Frontiers In Cell Dev. Biol.

January 1, 2021

Amy Sinclair joins the lab 

December 11, 2020

Tom Rands Defends his Graduate Thesis

November 09, 2020

Emma McGuirk Joins the Lab

Emma McGuirk joins the Goode lab as a rotation student. Welcome Emma!

October 28, 2020

Shashank's and Greg's paper "Twinfilin bypasses assembly conditions and actin filament aging to drive barbed end depolymerization" is accepted by JCB

Twinfilin bypasses assembly conditions and actin filament aging to drive barbed end depolymerization

Journal of Cell Biology (in press)

Shashank Shekhar, Gregory J. Hoeprich, Jeff Gelles, and Bruce L. Goode

September 08, 2020

Nayara Karoline Ferriera joins the lab

Nayara joins the lab as a rotation student. Welcome Nayara!

September 01, 2020

Alison's Image is Selected for MBoC's Cover Art

Alison's SIM image depicting proteins at the bud neck of a yeast cell is selected as the cover image for Volume 31, Issue 19 of Molecular Biology of the Cell

July 13, 2020

Qing's paper accepted by MBoC

Qing's paper WAVE 1 and WAVE 2 have distinct and overlapping roles in controlling actin assembly at the leading edge is accepted by Molecular Biology of the Cell

July 10, 2020

Rey is officially awarded a fellowship!

Rey Aguilar Lopez is awarded a fellowship for his work on coordination of multiple ADF-H family proteins in controlling actin cytoskeleton dynamics

April 01, 2020

Erin Burns joins as our new lab manager

Goode lab welcomes Erin Burns as our new lab manager! Welcome Erin!

January 13, 2020

Rotation student Cris Sharma joins the Goode lab

Goode lab welcomes biochemistry rotation student Cris Sharma!

January 08, 2020

Paper on actin cable reconstitution accepted in MBoC!

Luther's paper on reconstitution of budding yeast actin cables using purified proteins accepted in Molecular Biology of the Cell!

November 22, 2019

Shashank's paper published in Nature Communications

Shashank's paper on Srv2/CAP and Cofilin synergizing in ultrafast actin depolymerization has been published at Nature Communications. This study was conducted in close collaboration with the Gelles and Kondev Lab.

July 26, 2019

Marie's paper accepted at JCB!

Marie's paper titled "The role of APC-mediated actin assembly in microtubule capture and focal adhesion turnover" accepted for publication at Journal of Cell Biology!

July 01, 2019

​Shane McInally joins the lab!

Shane McInally joins Goode lab as a joint postdoc with the Kondev lab. Shane comes from Scott Dawson's lab at UC Davis. Welcome Shane!

June 01, 2019

Devan Chan and Elise Hallstead-Willians join the lab

Goode lab welcomes QBReC undergraduate student Devan Chan and Biology undergraduate student Elise Hallstead-Williams as summer researchers.

April 29, 2019

Bruce gives the inaugural Gary Borisy Named Lecture

Bruce honored to give the inaugural Gary Borisy Named Lecture at Madison Wisconsin

March 21, 2019

Rey Aguilar gives an awesome talk at the regional SACNAS meeting

Goode lab graduate student Rey Aguilar gives an awesome talk at the regional SACNAS meeting about his exciting results on actin disassembly!

March 07, 2019

Postdoc Luther Pollard awarded an NIH F32 fellowship

Goode lab postdoc Luther Pollard has just been awarded the NIH postdoctoral fellowship for his work on reconstitution of yeast actin cables. Congratulations Luther!

March 06, 2019

Luther Pollard gives talk at Biophysical Society annual meeting

Luther Pollard gives a talk at Biophysical Society annual meeting in Baltimore.

March 01, 2019

Dr. Joe Lopez joins as a new postdoc between Goode and Duclos labs.

Welcome to new postdoc, Dr. Joe Lopez, who is working on a collaborative project between the Goode lab and Duclos lab (Physics).

February 01, 2019

Rotation students Lydia Goh and Andrea Guerrera join the lab

Goode lab welcomes rotation students Lydia Goh and Andrea Guerrera.

December 15, 2018

Goode lab's collaboration with Keren and Mogilner lab in Nature Physics!

Manuscript on Scaling behavior in contracting actomyosin networks accepted at Nature Physics! This work was carried out in collaboration with Keren lab at The Technion in Israel and Mogilner lab at NYU.

January 09, 2019

Manuscript accepted at MBoC

​Paper on the interplay between tropomyosins and disassembly factors just accepted at Molecular Biology of the Cell. First author Silvia Jansen is now an assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis.

January 09, 2019

Goode lab welcomes Alexis Ryan

Graduate rotation student Alexis Ryan joins the Goode lab! Welcome Alexis!

November 01, 2018

New postdoc Colby Fees joins the lab

Goode lab welcomes new postdoc Colby Fees who joins us from Jeff Moore's lab at University of Colorado Denver.

October 22, 2018

Denise's and Adam's paper accepted at eLife!

Adam's and Denise's paper on Twinfilin's novel regulation of capping protein just accepted for publication at eLife!

October 12, 2018

Denise and Sean moving on to sweet jobs in the industry

Congratulations to Sean and Denise for moving on to the next chapters of their lives - exciting careers in the industry! Their scientific presence will be greatly missed!

October 08, 2018

Rey Aguilar gives awesome talk at regional SACNAS meeting

Graduate student Rey Aguilar gives an awesome talk at the regional his research at the national SACNAS meeting in San Antonio this week. Come listen to him talk about his exciting results on mechanisms of actin disassembly!

October 01, 2018

Greg received the NIH postdoctoral fellowship award

Goode lab postdoc Greg Hoeprich has been awarded the NIH postdoctoral fellowship award to continue his research on how IQGAP regulates actin dynamics. Congratulations Greg on the well-deserved award!

October 01, 2018

Stephanie joins the UG research force in the Goode lab

Undergraduate student Stephanie joint the Goode lab! Welcome Stephanie!

October 01, 2018

Mik's paper publiched in JCB

Mik's paper has just been published in Journal of Cell Biology! This work describes the integrated control of formin-mediated actin assembly by a stationary inhibitor and a mobile activator. This study was carried out in collaboration with Olga Sokolova from Moscow University.

July 24, 2018

Sean's Paper published in Nature Communications

Sean's paper on simultaneous regulation of Arp2/3 by Abp1 and GMF has just been published in Nature Communications! This work was carried out in collaboration with the Gelles lab.

June 25, 2018

Paper published in JMB

Denise's paper on Twinfilin's species specific isoforms published in Journal of Molecular Biology!

June 17, 2018

Shashank wins the Provost's Research Award

Shashank awarded the 2018 Provost's Research Award for developing a giant single-celled ciliate as a model organism to study how living organisms control their shape and size.

June 01, 2018

Goode lab welcomes new postdoc Alison Wirshing

Alison joins the Goode lab after completing her PhD at Erin Cram's lab at Northeastern University. Welcome Alison!

May 19, 2018

Rey Aguilar to speak at 2018 National SACNAS meeting

Graduate student Rey Aguilar will be giving a talk at the 2018 National SACNAS meeting in San Antonio in October. Come see him present his work on interplay of actin disassembly factors.

April 20, 2018

Three Goode Lab undergrads win summer fellowships

Congratulations to Goode Lab undergrads Meaghan Barry, Sophie Lou and Ricki Levitus for being awarded Brandeis summer scholar awards.

April 13, 2018

Manuscript accepted at Nature Communications

Our work describing the structural basis of actin monomer re-charging by CAP1 in collaboration with Lappalainen lab has just been accepted for publication in Nature Communications.

March 19, 2018

Goode lab welcomes PhD rotation students

Goode lab welcomes PhD rotation students Meghan Harris, Mason Towne and Michela Zaffagni.

February 23, 2018

Manuscript accepted in G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics

Manuscript "A flow cytometry-based phenotypic screen to identify novel endocytic factors" with Wendland lab at Johns Hopkins accepted in G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics.

February 19, 2018

Manuscript on production of recombinant actin isoforms in Journal of Cell Science

Manuscript on Rapid Production of Pure Recombinant Actin Isoforms in Pichia just accepted in Journal of Cell Science. This work was carried out in collaboration with the Balasubramanian Lab at University of Warwick

December 08, 2017

Shashank awarded the HHMI Interfaces Scholar Award

Shashank awarded the HHMI Interfaces Scholar Award. Come listen to his lecture titled "Quantitative Biology of Cell Migration" at the Annual Quantitative Biology Bootcamp on January 9th.

November 03, 2017

Bruce talks at the New England Society for Microscopy Anniversary Symposium

Bruce talks at the 50th Anniversary Symposium of the New England Society for Microscopy at UMASS - Amherst organized by Goode Lab graduate student Mikael Garabedian.

October 24, 2017

Brooke McCartney visits Brandeis

Longtime collaborator and fellow APC enthusiast Brooke McCartney visited Brandeis and gave a seminar at the Joint Biology/Neuroscience Colloquium.

October 18, 2017

Goode lab wins the top prizes in the Brandeis NSF MRSEC video competition!

Shashank's video on microfludics-assisted study of cytoskeleton places first. Sal's video on reconstitution of actin cables and Julian's animation of actin polymerization have placed second.

October 02, 2017

Congratulations to our Departmental colleagues Michael Rosbash and Jeff Hall for winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine!

October 02, 2017

Congratulations to Jessica Henty-Ridilla on her paper on Profilin's effects on microtubule growth being accepted at Current Biology!

September 28, 2017

ASCB travel awards for Greg and Shashank for attending the annual meeting in December.

September 25, 2017

Three talks from Goode lab members and recent alumni at 2017 ASCB annual meeting.

September 04, 2017

Welcome to the lab, MCB rotation students Jenna Harris and Melda Buyukozturk!

August 15, 2017

Welcome to the lab, Dr. Bengi Türegün!

Dr. Türegün joins the lab as a postdoc. He has recently completed his PhD at the Dominguez lab at University of Pennsylvania. Welcome Bengi!

May 25, 2017

Congratulations to Mari Angeles, whose paper on APC-dependent actin nucleation in cell migration and focal adhesions is in press at JCB

May 08, 2017

Congratulations to Dr. Jessica Henty-Ridilla, who has accepted a faculty position at SUNY Upstate! 

May 01, 2017

Welcome to new grad students Nikita Alimov and Rey Aguilar!

Nikita and Rey are both in the MCB program and we're thrilled to have them join the team.

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© Bruce Goode 2020

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